Adding Typescript to your project


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@wpackio/scripts has first-class support for both typescript and flow type. While flow works right out of the box there are some configuration needed for typescript.

Provided tooling

@wpackio/scripts comes with the build tooling for typescript, not typescript and webpack plugins. Also note that, we use babel 7 to compile typescript and Fork TS Checked Webpack Plugin to show type-errors during build/development time. So there are some gotchas.

What doesn’t work

As explained in microsoft blog the following doesn’t work when using babel to compile typescript.

  • namespaces.
  • bracket style type-assertion/cast syntax regardless of when JSX is enabled (i.e. writing <Foo>x won’t work even in .ts files if JSX support is turned on, but you can instead write x as Foo).
  • enums that span multiple declarations (i.e. enum merging).
  • legacy-style import/export syntax (i.e. import foo = require(...) and export = foo).

So keep these in mind.

Installing dependencies

First we need to install typescript itself.

npm i -D typescript fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin

Now create tsconfig.json at the root according to your need. Here’s a sample.

	"compilerOptions": {
		/* Basic Options */
		"target": "esnext", // we would be compiling with babel, so we can target esnext
		"module": "esnext", // for import() and es5 import/export
		"lib": ["esnext", "dom"], // include all libraries you need
		"jsx": "preserve", // because babel will transform it

		/* Strict Type-Checking Options */
		"strict": true, // suggested

		/* Module Resolution Options */
		"moduleResolution": "node", // because of webpack
		"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, // to make it compatible with babel
		"esModuleInterop": true, // to make it compatible with babel
		"isolatedModules": true // to limit implementation

Having moduleResolution and isolatedModules is a good idea, cause you won’t accidentally use something that isn’t supported.


Now simply define .ts or .tsx file in your wpackio.project.js file as entry-point.

module.exports = {
	// ...
	files: {
		name: 'tsapp',
		entry: {
			main: ['./src/tsapp/main.ts'],

Now you are good to go. The compiler will also show any ts error you might have.

NOTE - Internally depends on fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin to show type errors during build time. So make sure you install it, otherwise it will not work.


By default @wpackio/scripts will create an instance of fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin if a tsconfig.json is found in the current project root.

The same plugin would go into all multi-entry compiler instances and would enable typechecking for all entries.

Sometimes, this could not be the desired feature. For instance, you might have a plain JS app, alongside a TS app and you don’t want the typechecker for the JS app. Luckily it is not possible to explicitly disable typechecking for individual file entry using hasTypeScript.

Furthermore, due to the nature of TypeScript, you might notice duplicate error reports across multiple files entry. This can also be remedied using typeWatchFiles config variable.

Under your FileConfig add the hasTypeScript option. Below is an example of two apps, one explicitly disabling the typecheck.


module.exports = {
	// ...
	files: [
		// Only JavaScript App
			name: 'jsapp',
			entry: {
				main: './src/jsapp/index.js',
			// disable typechecking for this
			hasTypeScript: false,
		// TypeScript App
			name: 'tsapp',
			entry: {
				main: './src/tsapp/index.ts',
			// (optional) enable typechecking for this
			hasTypeScript: true,
			// (optional but recommended) mention files to report
			// through glob pattern
			typeWatchFiles: ['src/tsapp/*.{ts,tsx}', 'src/tsapp/**/*.{ts,tsx}'],

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