Bootstrap wpackio-scripts to your project


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This guide covers in-depth how to get started or incorporate tooling into your WordPress project.

Install the build tool

We have two way to get started with @wpackio/scripts.

Bootstrap the files automatically

Using this way is recommended. It will not override any of your files and will bootstrap needed files and package.json scripts automatically for you.

First cd into project directory.

cd awesome-plugin

Now run

npx @wpackio/cli

Once done, run

npm run bootstrap

OR if using yarn (the cli tool will auto-detect)

yarn bootstrap

This will create the following files:

  • wpackio.project.js - Information and entry-points for your project (plugin or theme).
  • wpackio.server.js - Information about your local development server. Make sure to add it to .gitignore file because it may differ for team members.
  • .browserslistrc - For targeting your environment. More info here. It is used by both babel and autoprefixer to make sure your javascript and css files work as expected.
  • postcss.config.js - Additional configuration for your css files. Read more. We have autoprefixer setup by default.

NOTE You must use camelCase format when defining appName. Otherwise it will not work.

// Good
module.exports = {
	appName: 'myAwesomeApp',

// BAD
module.exports = {
	appName: 'my-awesome-app',

Now you are ready to go.

Bootstrap the files manually.

Please read here.

Mention entry-points

Now edit your wpackio.project.js file and at the very least, mention the entry-points.

Here you start thinking in terms of ES6 Modules and specify the files, which imports other files.

If you have, files src/main.js and src/mobile.js, which are ES6 Modules and runs everything, then you can have your project config something like this.

module.exports = {
	// ...
	// Files we need to compile, and where to put
	files: [
		// If this has length === 1, then single compiler
			name: 'app',
			entry: {
				main: ['./src/main.js'],
				mobile: ['./src/mobile.js'],
			// Extra webpack config to be passed directly
			webpackConfig: undefined,

Your src/main.js may look something like this

import React from 'react';
import App from './App';
import './style.scss';

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
	console.log('Hello from React');
	const entry = document.querySelector('#wpackio-reactapp');
	render(<App />, entry);

Generate server config for team members

It is very much possible that different team members use different types of local server. @wpackio/scripts doesn’t come into you way and forces you to change this.

Instead it provides a way to automatically generate server config for each of your team member.

The only requirement here is to make sure you have wpackio.server.js in your .gitignore file.

Then ask your members to run

npm run bootstrap

@wpackio/scripts will realize that the project is already configured and will only ask the user for the URL of the development server. It is usually the URL provided by wamp, mamp, vvv etc. Just enter that and the wpackio.server.js will be automatically created for you.

Now we have the node dependencies set. It is time to use PHP dependency to actually enqueue the files. Keep on reading the next part of quick start guide.

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