How code-splitting and dynamic Import works


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Glad you asked. The documentation at webpack output.publicPath says this is one free variable __webpack_public_path__ which can be used to define the publicPath where webpack would look to lazy-load (or on-demand load) chunks.

Concept of publicPath

When creating an SPA (Single Page Application), all the assets usually resides at the root dist directory.

So given the following webpack.config.js file

module.exports = {
	entry: './src/main.js',
	output: {
		// Create a dir dist in the project root
		path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
		// filename
		filename: 'bundle.js',
		// The URL relative to the HTML file
		// Since we are starting with '/', webpack will always look
		// into
		// no matter the current URL
		publicPath: '/dist/',

If we host the files statically and serve directly, then bundle.js would be accessible from

Relying on this theory, we have set output.publicPath to be /dist/. So if './src/main.js' has some sort of import('...').then(({default}) => {}), webpack will look for the file to load the dynamic import.

This theory works really good, when we are in control of our HTML assets and URL.

For example, we could very much put all the files inside dist to a CDN, and change publicPath to

Usage inside WordPress

The problem

But when using WordPress, the static files of themes and plugins are located inside wp-content/themes and wp-content/plugins directory. The URL of these directories can be, pretty much anything.

Say, you have WordPress installed in a sub-directory, so the URL would be

There is no way, we can know what the URL would be, during build-time.

The Solution

Luckily, from WordPress itself, we can very easily get the public URL of our asset (dist) directory using functions like plugins_url or get_stylesheet_directory_uri.

This is the concept we use at wpackio. So it boils down to:

1: Generate publicPath with PHP library

With the PHP script, we generate the publicPath URL and put it in website head within a <script> tag.

<script type="text/javascript">
	window.__wpackIoAppNameOutputPath =

Where __wpackIoAppNameOutputPath is a unique variable generated through a combination of your appName and outputPath from wpackio.project.js file.

2: Modify JavaScript entry-point

Now a special entry-point is injected to all the entry members by wpackio. Say you have (in your wpackio.project.js) something like this:

module.exports = {
	// ...
	files: [
		// If this has length === 1, then single compiler
			name: 'app',
			entry: {
				main: ['./src/app/index.js'],
				mobile: ['./src/app/mobile.js'],
			// Extra webpack config to be passed directly
			webpackConfig: undefined,

It gets converted into

-				main: ['./src/app/index.js'],
+				main: ['@wpackio/entrypoint/lib/index.js', './src/app/index.js'],
-				mobile: ['./src/app/mobile.js'],
+				mobile: ['@wpackio/entrypoint/lib/index.js', './src/app/mobile.js'],

Notice the extra '@wpackio/entrypoint/lib/index.js'.

This is a special module which has the following code

if (__WPACKIO__) {
	__webpack_public_path__ = window[
	] as string;

Notice that we already have window.__wpackIoAppNameOutputPath set through PHP script. But this runtime script has no knowledge of the runtime variable __WPACKIO__.

This is where webpack definePlugin comes in handy.

Passing needed variable with webpack.DefinePlugin

Through our webpack config we have

const plugins = [
	// Define env
	new webpack.DefinePlugin({
		'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify(this.env),
		'process.env.BABEL_ENV': JSON.stringify(this.env),
		// Our own access to project config from the modules
		// mainly needed for the publicPath entrypoint
		__WPACKIO__: {
			appName: JSON.stringify(this.config.appName),
			outputPath: JSON.stringify(this.config.outputPath),

This is how we pass in the needed appName and outputPath to our javascript files.

Why in production build

Now you may wonder why we couldn’t use the same technique for development server?

The reason is:

  • We would like to have webpack-dev-middleware serve files from memory, instead of files. This gives greater speed and doesn’t pollute your disk during HMR.
  • For the above to work, we need to tell webpack-dev-middleware which URL the files should be served from.
  • Hence, we assume our local dev server is always running from a domain root and the files are served from /wp-content/plugins/my-plugin/dist.

So if you have some plugin to change the path to wp-content or the directory slug of themes and/or plugins within your development server, wpackio will surely not work.

But given very rare chance of having such modification in development server, we have settled with the compromise.

Do note that the limitation is valid only for development server. In production build, the publicPath is generated dynamically which will always work.

Even so, if you are using @wpackio/scripts v2.8.0 or greater, you have another option distPublicPath which you can mention in your server configuration. This is useful if your WordPress development server gives an URL to the outputPath directory which is not the standard output or if your WordPress isn’t installed at the root domain (like http://localhost), rather a directory (like http://localhost/proj1).

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