Node.js APIs provided by @wpackio/scripts


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While @wpackio/scripts is meant to be used as a CLI tool, it does expose all of the necessary node.js APIs to create your own CLI.

For now, the best place to check the exports is the file itself. Since we develop in typescript and ship all .d.ts files, you will get IDE intellisense by default.

Here are the documentation for a few APIs which are useful.


Get babel configuration for compiling JavaScript or TypeScript files.

This is used internally to create babel config for babel-loader.



import { getBabelPresets } from '@wpackio/scripts';

module.exports = api => {
	const presetOptions = {
		noDynamicImport: false,
		noImportMeta: false,
		noClassProperties: false,
		noJsonStrings: false,
		noTuntime: false,
		hasReact: true,
		presetEnv: {
			// Override Options for @babel/preset-env
			useBuiltIns: 'usage',
		presetReact: {
			// Override Options for @babel/preset-react

	// make test aware changes
	const isTest = api.env('test');

	if (isTest) {
		// since jest only understands commonjs modules
		presetOptions.presetEnv.modules = 'commonjs';

	const babelConfig = {
		presets: getBabelPresets(presetOptions, 'typescript'),
		plugins: ['@babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods'],

	return babelConfig;



Options for @wpackio/base. It has the following interface.

interface PresetOptions {
	noDynamicImport?: boolean;
	noImportMeta?: boolean;
	noClassProperties?: boolean;
	noJsonStrings?: boolean;
	noRuntime?: boolean;
	hasReact?: boolean;
	presetEnv?: {};
	presetReact?: {};
	[x: string]: any;

More information can be found in the source repository.


Whether to include preset for 'flow' or 'typescript'. Leave undefined to ignore both.

Possible values are 'flow', 'typescript' or undefined.


Get default options for @wpackio/babel-preset-base considering whether project has react and whether it is in development mode.


// include a few node-js APIs
const {
	// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies
} = require('@wpackio/scripts');

module.exports = {
	// stuff...
	// Files we need to compile, and where to put
	files: [
		// some entrypoint
			name: 'reactapp',
			entry: {
				main: ['./src/reactapp/index.jsx'],
			webpackConfig: (config, merge, appDir, isDev) => {
				const customRules = {
					module: {
						rules: [
							// Config for custom .mjs file extension
								test: /\.mjs$/,
								use: [
										loader: 'babel-loader',
										options: {
											presets: getBabelPresets(
												getDefaultBabelPresetOptions(true, isDev),

				// merge and return
				return merge(config, customRules);


Get options for file-loader. This takes into account the application directory, development or production mode and public path for file-loader usage from css files.

If you want to use file-loader for your own custom asset management, then do use this API for dynamically setting the option. This ensures a few things, like

  1. All assets are put inside assets directory.
  2. Assets works for CSS files where relative path is necessary.

More information can be found in file-loader tutorial.



const { getFileLoaderOptions } = require('@wpackio/scripts');

module.exports = {
	// ... config
	files: [
			name: 'app',
			entry: {
				main: ['./src/app/main.js'],
			webpackConfig: (config, merge, appDir, isDev) => {
				const newRules = {
					module: {
						rules: [
								test: /\.svg(\?v=\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/,
								use: [
										loader: 'file-loader',
										options: getFileLoaderOptions(appDir, isDev, false),
				return merge(config, newRules);


appDir (string)

Application directory where we are going to put the asset.

isDev (boolean)

Whether for development or production build.

publicPath (boolean)

Whether or not to set publicPath for file-loader, depending on isDev.


The API consists a family of webpack issuer utilities. Use them in conjunction with file-loader or url-loader.

  • issuerForNonStyleFiles: Tests if files are not, css, sass and scss.
  • issuerForStyleFiles: Tests if files are one of css, sass or scss.
  • issuerForNonJsTsFiles: Tests if files are not, js, jsx, ts and tsx.
  • issuerForJsTsFiles: Tests if files are one of js, jsx, ts and tsx.



const {
	// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies
} = require('@wpackio/scripts');

module.exports = {
	// ...
	files: [
			// ...
			webpackConfig: (config, merge, appDir, isDev) => {
				const customRule = {
					module: {
						rules: [
								test: /\.pdf$/,
								issuer: issuerForJsTsFiles,
								use: [
										loader: 'file-loader',
										options: getFileLoaderOptions(appDir, isDev, false),
				return merge(config, customRule);


When you want to extend webpack config you might run into issues when specifying loaders directly like

const module = {
	rules: [
		test: /\.someext$/,
		use: [
				loader: 'file-loader',

The above is would throw error saying, could not resolve file-loader. To ease up sharing loaders across configuration, @wpackio/scripts expose the following loaders.

const {
} = require('@wpackio/scripts');

All of the above corresponds to specific loaders. So you may now use

const module = {
	rules: [
		test: /\.someext$/,
		use: [
				loader: fileLoader,

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